This is a book I bought myself for Christmas. It covers fashion history from the 18th century to the 20th century, with glossy photographs of the collection held by the Kyoto Costume Institute in Japan. The book has been out for a while, but oh my, if you don’t own it yet, go out and buy it immediately! So much inspiration for any swing fashionista, the kind of clothes that are so beautiful it makes my chest ache. The Poiret, the Schiaparelli, the Chanel, oh god the Vionnet! The Vionnet, people! Now I want desperately to visit the Kyoto Costume Institute. A holiday to Japan anyone?
Seriously folks, this book is sheer fashion heaven. It is definitely now one of the favourites in my collection. You can buy it here on Amazon. Enjoy!
What a gorgeous book! Thanks for sharing.
That book’s the best! I doubt there’s another one that’s drooled over quite as much by costume and vintage geeks. A couple weeks ago I had the opportunity to attend a lecture by Akiko Fukai, the chief curator of the KCI, and I did a little write up on her talk on my blog. Their collection is so incredible!
i got this book last christmas and have been dreaming about every page ever since.
it’s almost as if i can’t believe these beautiful creatures of fashion actually exist. must go to japan! found your blog as i was preparing to write a post about a vionnet quote, must include pictures of course.
oh, check out madeleine vionnet too! in hardback