Tag: 1930s dresses
Wearing History – newest patterns
Seems that sewing is becoming a dying art amongst the young ladies of today, which is why I love to keep my hand in. I have taught myself over the years and you can only really learn by doing. It’s also nice to have a bunch friends in the vintage scene that sew and a few that even have their own line of patterns for sale. One my favourite lines comes from Wearing History, which is run by my friend Lauren Maringola. She is an amazing seamstress and you can see many of the pieces in her line made up on her site. Here are some of her latest offerings!
My Pinterest Art Deco, 1920s and 30s boards
Just a reminder for all my readers that are fans of Art Deco design and the fashion 1920s and 30s, I have several boards full of my favourite visual collections over at Pinterest that I add to on a daily basis. You are welcome to follow me there also. Enjoy 🙂
Art Deco design and Beauty
1920s style
1930s style
Art Deco Patterns
Vintage Beachwear
Vintage Hair – 1930s
Vintage Hair – 1920s
Art Deco Home
Vintage Shoe Love
Vintage graphic design & advertising

Oh so gorgeous 30s gown and shoes!
Just had to add this to the blog today. A stunning 1930s red gown and an amazing pair of satin evening shoes from the same era. Both from different Etsy stores and yet, look how well they go together. Just breathtaking!
Dress:Â Garb-Oh Vintage
Shoes: Solana